About the house in El Terreno
Check in / check out
We use an external service for this and we will return when it approaches with details about check in and check out.
Several bus lines serve El Terreno with frequent trips. Buses to the beach in Cala Mayor and Illetas, as well as several lines to Palma city center and Plaza España.
Local service
In El Terreno there are plenty of smaller grocery stores, post office, banks, pharmacies. In the district is the large dining palace Mercadona.
Floor plan
There are two bedrooms with a total of four beds on the lower level. Two bedrooms with two single beds in each room. Bed linen and towels are included in the rent.
The courtyard with lounge furniture and a dining table furniture.
Toilet and shower.
Washer and dryer.
The house has a carport-like surface but we do not recommend parking there due to. that it is narrow and difficult to park. We recommend parking in the streets around the house which is free alternative rental of the hotel (Zurubaran) opposite the house for 8 euros per day.